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Performance comparison of implemented commands in pre-alpha TonicDB vs Redis v7.2.5.
Each command was benchmarked to measure how long it takes to serve 1 000 000 requests with 100 concurrent clients. TonicDB outperformed Redis in every command, being up to 2105.68% faster.
Command | Redis v7.2.5 | pre-alpha TonicDB | Improvement |
requests per second | requests per second | ||
ping | 337 461.23 | 2 091 386.38 | +519.74% |
set | 332 193.38 | 1 878 011.71 | +465.34% |
get | 337 066.71 | 1 894 514.33 | +462.06% |
strlen | 340 281.87 | 1 878 365.87 | +452.00% |
lcs | 320 552.22 | 1 796 273.19 | +460.37% |
del | 341 172.98 | 1 900 334.72 | +457.00% |
incr | 338 678.43 | 1 897 324.42 | +460.21% |
decr | 337 161.38 | 1 872 118.61 | +455.26% |
incrby | 332 260.13 | 1 895 969.32 | +470.63% |
decrby | 333 219.67 | 1 867 788.24 | +460.53% |
append | 332 421.06 | 1 884 323.43 | +466.85% |
lpush | 330 374.59 | 1 856 135.52 | +461.83% |
rpush | 332 358.12 | 1 888 232.39 | +468.13% |
lpop | 323 653.09 | 1 852 267.04 | +472.30% |
rpop | 329 019.55 | 1 854 129.13 | +463.53% |
llen | 341 216.63 | 1 879 505.93 | +450.82% |
lrange10 | 241 800.52 | 1 826 921.76 | +655.55% |
lrange100 | 151 448.03 | 1 735 175.38 | +1045.72% |
lrange300 | 84 151.47 | 1 490 545.96 | +1671.27% |
lrange500 | 57 347.71 | 1 209 402.78 | +2008.89% |
lrange600 | 50 049.76 | 1 103 939.71 | +2105.68% |
ltrim | 332 789.73 | 1 727 870.39 | +419.21% |
hset | 323 189.03 | 1 804 531.71 | +458.35% |
hget | 326 375.98 | 1 817 604.40 | +456.91% |
hlen | 329 803.12 | 1 870 829.21 | +467.26% |
hstrlen | 327 665.94 | 1 808 784.99 | +452.02% |
hkeys | 324 542.583 | 1 828 149.54 | +463.30% |
hgetall | 323 689.98 | 1 825 135.58 | +463.85% |
hdel | 331 774.56 | 1 849 930.55 | +457.59% |
sadd | 329 209.14 | 1 809 038.46 | +449.51% |
sismember | 329 342.85 | 1 812 388.03 | +450.30% |
smembers | 293 985.94 | 1 851 763.86 | +529.88% |
srem | 334 217.37 | 1 839 298.42 | +450.33% |
scard | 334 272.52 | 1 843 078.90 | +451.37% |
type | 337 445.90 | 1 852 006.91 | +448.83% |
zadd | 310 996.65 | 1 722 987.71 | +454.02% |
zincrby | 292 077.20 | 1 707 856.36 | +484.73% |
zscore | 316 142.37 | 1 764 323.26 | +458.08% |
zrem | 334 008.14 | 1 838 069.88 | +450.31% |
zcard | 333 180.29 | 1 827 713.38 | +448.57% |
zpopmin | 333 891.13 | 1 874 130.85 | +461.30% |
zpopmax | 331 886.85 | 1 865 686.77 | +462.15% |
zrank | 326 183.24 | 1 824 237.99 | +459.27% |
zcount | 281 759.20 | 1 793 132.58 | +536.41% |